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Lose weight while on chemotherapy -

22-12-2016 à 08:50:53
Lose weight while on chemotherapy
Nausea and vomiting are the most feared side effects of chemo, and indirectly contribute to weight loss in people undergoing treatment. Sometimes these side effects are severe, but the benefits of slowing the cancer clearly outweigh the risks. In fact, there are some people who actually gain weight during treatment. More than 100 such drugs exists as of publication, each tailored to certain types of cancer. Cancer patients on television and movies often appear gaunt and emaciated, giving the false idea that all people with cancer lose a lot of weight during treatment. Josh Patrick has several years of teaching and training experience, both in the academy and the private sector. Chemotherapy, also known as chemo, is a modern form of cancer treatment that uses potent drugs to attack cancer throughout the body. Extreme weight loss may complicate the recovery process, although healthcare professionals continue to discover ways to lessen the undesirable effects of cancer treatment. If you are overweight, this is not the time to try to lose weight. Factors Contributing to Weight Loss During Chemotherapy When people do lose weight during cancer treatment, it likely due to the inability to maintain good nutrition. Chemotherapy drugs are one of the most common treatments for cancer, but they are not without side effects. Hair loss is another typical side effect of chemotherapy. Because chemotherapy damages healthy cells along with cancer cells, patients sometimes experience loss of muscle mass, blood cells and other tissues. Certain foods can be irritating to the mucous membranes on the inside of your mouth. Patients often experience weight loss while battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. The cancer itself can also cause a loss of appetite. Modern treatments for cancer have to be equally aggressive. The truth is that everyone responds differently to chemotherapy and there are a few different factors that play a role in how treatment will affect your weight. Weight loss is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy.

As a result, chemo patients often experience fatigue and pale skin. Sour, spicy or salty foods can be painful to eat. Because every person responds differently to chemotherapy, there is no way to average weight loss or weight gain. The powerful drugs used in chemotherapy cause a wide variety of side effects. Well, weight loss may seem like the silver lining of chemotherapy for some people, but not everyone loses weight with cancer treatment. Have you ever wondered, will I lose weight during chemotherapy. Taste and smell aversions can also lead to eating less. The smell of food cooking can also cause a loss of appetite. You can, however, focus on eating healthier, which hopefully will carry over post-treatment and allow you to reach your weight loss goals. Mouth sores can be a common side effect of chemotherapy and can impede eating. He holds a Master of Library and Information Science. Some forms of chemotherapy also make it difficult to swallow. Doctors often employ more than one chemo drug to treat cancer, a technique known as combination therapy. Some experts recommend avoiding your favorite foods during chemotherapy because they may taste different, creating an aversion -- even post-treatment. How Chemo May Affect Your Mouth Maintaining Weight During Chemotherapy The goal during chemotherapy is to keep your weight stable. Chemo drugs may cure cancer, or they may simply slow its growth while doctors prepare other treatments. He presented original work at the 20th Century Literature Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Chemotherapy side effects can cause loss of appetite, and the stomach upset (nausea and diarrhea) can greatly affect your eating habits, ultimately leading to weight loss. Food can taste different because of cancer treatment. As food intake aggravates feelings of nausea, patients suffer a steady loss of appetite.

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losing weight while on chemotherapy
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